FEDKITO Project – 6 month progress meeting (press release)

On 19 April 2021 the six month meeting of FEDKITO – FrEsh fooD sustainable pacKaging In The circular economy – took place in the virtual space shared between the nine partners and their staff.

The FEDKITO project is funded by the PRIMA programme, aimed at developing knowledge and devising innovative solutions in R&I approaches towards sustainable agriculture production in the Mediterranean area (http://prima-med.org/ ). FEDKITO proposes the use of chitosan aromatized with essential oils (liquid or film) to protect fresh food from insect and fungi attacks, together with the use of biosensors for measuring mycotoxins, pesticides, and food quality, that will allow real-time monitoring of food quality during storage and transportation, with the aim to extend perishable Mediterranean food products shelf life.

The FEDKITO Project is coordinated by Prof. Barbara Conti, entomologist of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa and gathers an international team involving Université Hassan II de Casablanca (Morocco), Sorbonne Université (France), Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria (Tunisia), Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites of Bellignat (France), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Thessaly (Greece), GP Retail Srl (Italy) and Azienda Furio Salvadori (Italy).

During this progress meeting the FEDKITO partners presented the results obtained in the first six months, in particular they shared their progresses on the different work packages and tasks that are essential to the success of FEDKITO activities.

During the virtual encounter, the PRIMA Officer Mohamed Wageih presented the PRIMA web platform (MEL- Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning platform) and introduced to its main tools, the coordinator Barbara Conti (University of Pisa) chaired the meeting and the partners explained activities, at this stage mostly related to WP2, WP3 and WP4, that are proceeding satisfactorily together with the FEDKITO communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy.

This meeting provided a good chance to interact among partners and discuss about scheduled actions for the next months, as explained at the end of the meeting by the coordinator.

For more information visit  http://fedkito.agr.unipi.it/ or contact the Coordinator Prof. Barbara Conti at barbara.conti@unipi.it


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