The Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cédria (CBBC) is the most important research centre in agrobiotechnology in Tunisia. CBBC is in charge for carrying out research in biotechnology field and its exploitation in the socio-economic sector. The main objective is to establish a technological expertise in plant biotechnology that improves its visibility and promotes its openness to the socio-economic environment (projects, partnerships and services in the sectors of agriculture, environmental protection and the promotion of products derived from plants, microorganisms or their association for human health and well-being).
Team members involved in the project
Najla Trabelsi (female, P.I.). She is Assistant Professor at the Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cédria (Laboratory of Olive Biotechnology) with expertise in bioactivity of natural substances against microorganisms of medical, Food and agricultural interest. Her current project is “Flavoring olive oil and their effenciency for food concervation”. She is reviewer several ISI and non-ISI scientific journals and she is author of 41 papers published on international peer-reviewed journals with a total h-index of 15 (Scopus). Ridha Ksouri (male). Full Professor in Agricultural Sciences at CBBC and Lad of Laboratory of Aromatic and Medicinal Plant with expertise in: bioactivity of natural substances of medical, cosmetic and agricultural uses, green extraction of bioactive compounds from plants and their caracterisation by different type of chromatography. He has been project coordinator leader in several national, European and international projects. He is author of 146 papers, published on international peer-reviewed journals with a total h-index of 29 (Scopus). Raja Serairi Beji (female). She is Assistant Professor, currently working at the Department of Nutrition, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Santé de Tunis (ESSTST) and Laboratory of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CBBC) Raja does research in Physiology, Nutrition and Human Biology. Their current project is “Effect of fixed oil rich in omega 3/6 on bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis”. She is author of 50 papers published on national and international peer-reviewed journals. Leila Abaza (female). She is Assistant Professor (HDR), currently works at CBBC. She does research in Biological activities of natural compounds (anti-cancer activity), phytochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Her current project is “Valorization of olive by-products”. She is author of 21 papers published on national and international peer-reviewed journals. Hedia Manaii (female). She is Assistant Professor, currently works at CBBC. She does research in Chemical Biology, Biochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Her current project is “Improvement of the olive oil quality”. She is author of 27 papers published on national and international peer-reviewed journals.
Publications and/or products, services related to the project
Ben Jemaa M., Falleh H., Serairi R., Neves M.A., Snoussi M., Isoda H., Nakajima M., Ksouri R. 2017. Nanoencapsulated Thymus capitatus essential oil as natural preservative. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. Doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2017.08.017.
Snuossi M., Trabelsi N., Ben Taleb S., Dehmeni A., Flamini G.and De Feo V. 2016. Laurus nobilis, Zingiber officinale and Anethum graveolens Essential Oils: Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities against Bacteria Isolated from Fish and Shellfish. Molecules, 21(10), 1414. Doi:10.3390/molecules21101414.
Snoussi M., Noumi E., Trabelsi N., Flamini G., Papetti A. and De Feo V. 2015. Mentha spicata Essential Oil: Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities against Planktonic and Biofilm Cultures of Vibrio spp. Strains. Molecules, 20. Doi: 14402-14424.
Hajlaoui H., Trabelsi N., Noumi E., Snoussi M., Fallah H., Ksouri R. et Bakhrouf A. 2009. Biological activities of the essential oils and methanol extract of tow cultivated mint species (Mentha longifolia and Mentha pulegium) used in the Tunisian folkloric medicine. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnologyvol. 25 (12), 2227-2238.
Description of infrastructure and/or technical equipment relevant to the proposal work
Foss FoodScan Dairy Analyzer – Rancimat – Metrohm AG – LC/Q-TOF/MS High Resolution Mass Spectrometry – 4 Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS).